Early on and back in the late 1990th the far-sighted leadership of Abu Dhabi government envisioned the need to equip and prepare the young UAE nationals with a set of skills considered out of the norm at the time. EmiratesSkills was created to plant the seed of TVET and contribute to the fulfilment of the ultimate goal of a sustainable knowledge-based economy for the futuristic UAE. As the years unfold, new economic visions such as Abu Dhabi economic vision 2030 and the latest UAE centennial 2071 come to prove that the country’s success is best led by the hands of its own youth.
Since 2006 we started our journey of search for skills and talent. We reached out to communities, schools, universities, institutes and other educational firms to join hands with us and inspire UAE youth to show the best in their chosen skills fields.
We work towards improving TVET system in UAE through Knowledge development, knowledge sharing and increasing students’ capacities in the sector by maximizing their involvement and expanding their understanding of TVET. Every year we offer students opportunities to participate and compete in national, regional and world skills Competitions.
We know at EmiratesSkills that TVET offers a diversity of career choices that could change one’s life if chosen carefully. We, hence, work hard on showcasing those options to students through competitions and are committed to steadily increase the number of skills competitions that take place at the annual EmiratesSkills National Competition and we kept quality-assuring and benchmarking competencies against the ever-evolving WorldSkills Competitions.
We continue to develop EmiratesSkills and expand the range of age groups by adding new “Skills Competitions for the Juniors” aging 12 – 15 years, and including new community sectors such as the ones with “Special Abilities and Needs” and has always been open to adopt emerging new ideas for the “Future Skills”.
Since its inception EmiratesSkills inspired more than 3000 UAE nationals to participate in the EmiratesSkills National Competitions and trained and qualified nearly 100 Emiratis to compete at the WorldSkills Competition every second year. I am inviting all young Emiratis with aspiration to make a difference to start their journey of skills here and take part in the coming EmiratesSkills National Competition. Skill, knowledge and hard work define us.